Northern Door Health & Wellness Ministry continues its Community Health Information Program (CHIP) with an upcoming program entitled “In Our Own Voice” to be held on Sunday, September 29, at 4 pm at Sister Bay Baptist Church in Sister Bay.
The focus of the presentation will be to increase awareness and understanding of mental illness… stigmatized, unacknowledged, misunderstood. Physical health problems are often readily addressed. It seems far more difficult to recognize the reality of mental illness and yet, in reality, it touches the lives of each of us. We all have contact in our families, our friends, or in the workplace, with those whose mental health is, or has been, compromised.
Just as physical problems can be addressed and often managed, treatment is available that can enable those with a mental health diagnosis to lead fulfilled and productive lives. At this CHIP program, two young men from National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) will present “In Our Own Voice,” a history of their personal histories living with a mental health diagnosis. Seth Wiederander and David Swender will present a program that includes a video, a personal presentation and a question-and-answer session.
Northern Door Health & Wellness Ministry also offers free blood pressure screenings at the monthly Loaves & Fishes Meal held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at St. Rosalia Church – Stella Maris Parish in Sister Bay beginning at 5 pm.