The Community Foundation invites local charities to submit applications for financial support from the foundation’s Health & Human Needs Fund before March 23, 2010 deadline.
Bret Bicoy
“It’s hard to appreciate the beauty and quality of life in Door County if your basic needs aren’t being met,” says Bret Bicoy, President & CEO of the Community Foundation. “The Health & Human Needs Fund is designed to assist those who live in the shadows of our society.”
Human service and health related charities are certainly welcome to apply. However, the Community Foundation also invites arts, environmental and other kinds of charities to apply by considering how they might also serve the less fortunate in our community.
Health & Human Needs Fund materials may be downloaded at Applications and supporting materials must be received at the Community Foundation by Tuesday, March 23.
The Health & Human Needs Fund is one of the Community Foundation’s Community Impact Funds. Thanks to the generosity of both year-round and seasonal residents, the Community Foundation also offers grants to charities out of its Arts Fund, Children & Youth Fund, Lifelong Education Fund, and the Environmental Fund.
“The Community Foundation is building a permanent pool of money that will forever benefit the people of Door County,” says Bicoy. “We hope that residents will support this important work by making a provision for the Health & Human Needs Fund in their estate plans.”
The Door County Community Foundation, Inc. is a collection of separate charitable funds set up by individuals, families, non-profit organizations, private foundations and businesses that are managed, invested and disbursed for the current and future good of Door County. The Foundation was launched in 1999 and currently administers approximately $5 million in charitable assets.