Wakefield’s latest recording brings a wealth of talent together in 13 memorable tunes

Vegetarian Nightmare
Whatever on Earth would motivate a man to make music about meat? The prime cuts on Scott Wakefield‘s newest CD entitled, Vegetarian Nightmare should come as no surprise. But, there’s much more than meaty ballads on this disc. It’s apparent that the humorous tunes about carnivorous culinary obsessions are a lighthearted mask for Scott’s deeper emotions regarding the nurturing he derived as the solo grandson of a Texas ranching family. One of the most touching songs on the album is dedicated to the memory of his deceased mom…
“There’s a cold black wind blowin’ through my family tree. I’m the last one on this branch and I guess I own a cattle ranch,” he sings.
At first glance, this album beckons you to take it lightly, by delivering what Mad Magazine used to call, “humor in a jugular vein.” Upon closer introspection, Scott has worked hard to produce a theatrical autobiographical masterpiece, balancing on the edge between comedy and tragedy. His cast and crew include a remarkable assemblage of notable backup singers and a diversity of musicians from jazz horns and keyboards to country string-picking masters.
Wakefield’s latest is a deep and well-crafted studio production. His voice is his primary instrument, polished and refined through decades of steady performance. His theatrical background is apparent in the fact that he also wrote and arranged all thirteen songs – a storybook that provides a close and revealing look at what really makes Scott run.
For the past few weeks Scott Wakefield played at numerous venues throughout Door County – stopping on his way to a California acting engagement. Eventually he will return to his current home in New York, but we were lucky to catch him on camera at a Fishstock Concert on August 2, 2009. Here’s Scott Wakefield, accompanied by drummer Pat Judy, performing “My Bed,” a song from his latest CD, Vegetarian Nightmare.
Scott is even more engaging on stage, in person than he is on his newest CD… and his latest recording is a delight. Here’s Scott Wakefield, accompanied by drummer Pat Judy, performing a song he wrote to commemorate the birth of Sarah Kaplan and the passing of Fred Alley, which took place on the same day.